How does Bussco help you
to find the right person?
Case Sport Car Center (SCC) and Bussco

How does Bussco find
potential clients
to Sport Car Center?
Sport Car Center sells the finest cars in Finland. Sales is good, but there is still space for growth.
Luxury cars cost over 100k euros, so finding the buyers is a challenge where Bussco can help.
This is how Bussco can help:
Sport Car Center signs in to
Sport Car Center tells the bot, what kind of customer it is looking for
Bussco uses following sources to enrich the data
income taxation top 500, 5 years
twitter search about top 500 taxpayers, 5 years
points of interest: sport cars, EVs, Tesla, car sports, Formula 1
media coverage about business activities, acquisitions and mergers
remarkable business deals by top 500 “crème de la crème”
Bussco finds potential buyers quickly
Bussco will find the names, emails and phonenumbers and offers a direct contact opportunity.
Just imagine doing all this
- manually!

How does Bussco find
potential distributors to Harvia sauna heaters?
Harvia has over 70 years experience in sauna & spa industry, manufacturing over 200 000 heaters annually. It has customers in over 80 countries and sales is good,
but there is still room for growth.
Finding more distributors is a challenge where Bussco can help. No more standing in the fairs, useless and expensive. Let Bussco do the work for you, Bussco knows over 20 languages!
This is how Bussco can help:
Harvia signs in to
Harvia tells the bot,
what kind of distributors
it is looking for
Bussco uses sources as follows to enrich the data
Social media about sauna, twitter search about points of interest: health, spa, wellbeing, Scandinavian life
Media coverage about business activities in sauna sector, acquisitions and mergers, communication
You don’t even have to know the sources, that’s AI’s job!
Summing up Bussco benefits
Bussco finds potential distributors very quickly.
Bussco will find the names, emails and phonenumbers and offers a direct contact opportunity.
Just imagine doing all this
- manually!
Flying around and spending days or weeks just searching and participating on fairs. Let Bussco help instead!

How does Bussco find potential companies to relocate to your City?
Every city needs more companies and inhabitants
- taxpayers - to their city!
According to our study, companies need data about Labour available - City services to companies/entrepreneurs – Business premises – Homes, schools and kindergardens – and Financing available.
This is how Bussco can help:
Bussco’s AI finds data from the net from webpages, business related pages, country- and municipal pages, media and social media and other open sources. Important data to companies and entrepreneurs will be found by Bussco ChatBot, which will be Installed to your city’s existing service netpages.
When Bussco has collected the data, the city staff can help companies make good decisions, based on fresh data about labour and financing available, business premises choices and other business help available. Bussco helps also to find your next home, not forgetting the schools and kindergardens!When Bussco has collected the data, the city staff can help companies make good decisions, based on fresh data about labour and financing available, business premises choices and other business help available. Bussco helps also to find your next home, not forgetting the schools and kindergardens!
Summing up Bussco benefits
Bussco finds potential companies quickly most important data about cities to relocate to, without running around ja spending a lot of time and money.
Bussco will find the names, emails and phonenumbers and offers direct contact opportunities to companies and entrepreneurs about those, who can help make good decisions. Just imagine doing all this - manually!